Saturday, September 27, 2008

so tired. i haven't been writing the pen and paper way for a few days alrdy. no time? not really.. eh. spent all my time having fun. hehh..

xy hy and ray came over today! we wanted to have a picnic downstairs to celebrate hy's bday actually but we decided home's still the best option, so they came to my place. we met early without hy to prepare the food. we had
2 cans of tuna
1 can of seafood spread
2 loaves of bread
1 (fill in the appropriate units) of lettuce
1 can of mushrooms
2 cans of corn soup
2 ears of corn
1 packet of cherry tomatoes
olive oil and vinegar
its 3 girls and 1 guy so obviously we had quite a bit of leftovers. But it was loads of fun. we didn't really cook anything, just steamed corn, warmed campbell soup and boiled eggs. took us bout 3 hours to get all the stuff done. then hy came at 7. and we had dinner. and talked a lot. and played monopoly! we couldn't finish the game and we wanted to 'save game' by taking a photo of the board and our property and stuff so we could set it up and continue from where we left off in future, but we decided against it in the end. haha.. too lame. so we gave hy our presents and made her change into the dress and put on the earrings and the effect was good! she looked good and she liked it and we were all very excited. haha.. and then we were talking bout staying over a xy's place. and xy said "we can all fit on the bed!" then ray spewed and spilled a lot of the water he was drinking on himself. it was HILARIOUS. couldn't stop laughing... hahaha.. and then it was alrdy 11+ so we decided that we should all be going soon. then we rmbed our 'proposal'. so we talked and we came up with our new shop/code name: XARH. it was this or RAHX. but XARH seemed better. haha.. and we decided on rings, hp charms and photoframes! aye exciting! haha..
our next meeting is on the 21st of november. the day after hy finishes her paper. and we've all alrdy decided what to wear. heh..
i think what hy said is very true. 'i never knew we would become such good friends.'


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